The new right

The new left arose in the 1960s-1970s as a movement to broaden the labor union, civil rights, and socialism of the old left. In the U.S. it was more and more successful, culminating in the administration of President Obama, the institution of same-sex marriage, and the normalization of the sexual revolution.

Meanwhile, the working class was increasingly left behind. They started to stray from their Democratic Party loyalty by voting for Reagan in the 1980s, and drifted into the Republican Party fold until the floodgates broke with their support for Trump in 2016.

The old right is now at a crossroads. The internationalists, the free marketers, the ideological right are now estranged from their former party. They have already started drifting away, toward the Libertarian or the Democratic Party. The rest are adjusting to the working class take-over of the Republican Party.

A new right is forming behind President-elect Trump’s move toward a new nationalism, putting national priorities ahead of ideology about immigration, trade, and foreign policy. The Democratic Party has returned to its 19th century roots as the party of the establishment. The rich, the powerful, the elite are thoroughly behind it. The vulgar masses, “the deplorables,” those people are setting down roots in the Republication Party.

The 1960s are finally over.