Temporo-spatial Newtonian laws of motion

Note: terminology updated Apr. 2021. See glossary above.

Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion and law of gravity apply to space-time, the 3D space (spatiocosm) with 1D time of classical physics. What do these temporo-spatial laws look like, with 3D time and 1D space?

Newton’s space-time laws of motion state:

Law I: Every body continues in a state of rest or uniform motion (i.e., constant
velocity without change of direction) unless acted on by a force.

Law II: The acceleration (i.e., change in velocity per change in time) of a body is proportional to the applied force divided by the mass of the body (i.e., a = F/m).

Law III: To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, i.e. forces are mutual.

The corresponding time-space laws of motion are as follows:

Law I: Every vehicle continues in a state of uniform motion (i.e., constant
lenticity without change of direction) unless acted on by a release.

Law II: The relentation (i.e., change in lenticity per change in length of travel) of a vehicle is proportional to the applied release divided by the vass of the vehicle (i.e., b = Y/n).

Law III: To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, i.e. releases are mutual.

Newton’s space-time law of gravity states:

1. Every body with mass attracts every other body with mass.

2. The force of gravity is directly proportional to the product of their masses.

3. The force of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers of mass.

4. The force of gravity is directed radially toward the larger mass.

Thus Fg = G m1m2/ with space-time gravitational constant G.

The corresponding time-space law of levity states:

1. Every body with vass repels every other body with vass.

2. The release of levity is directly proportional to the product of their vasses; i.e., indirectly proportional to the product of their masses.

3. The release of levity is inversely proportional to the square root of the time (distime) between their centers of vass.

4. The release of levity is directed radially toward the larger vass (or smaller mass).

Thus Yh = H / (n1n2√t) with temporo-spatial levitational constant H.

While this was presented in 1D space and 1D time, it may be generalized to 3D time and 1D space. In particular, the time, lenticity, relentation, and release are temporal 3D vectors or temporo-spatial 4D vectors.