I am offended

I am offended by judges who unilaterally decide that unborn children do not have a right to life. I am offended by politicians who defend abortion as “health care”.

I am offended by politicians who ignore problems and by their inaction let them become worse. I am offended by politicians who take advantage of crises to promote power for themselves.

I am offended by public funds subsidizing religions that market themselves as secular. I am offended by state schools promoting their own philosophies and religions.

I am offended by news media who promote anti-Christian or anti-Semitic bigotry and make light of religious liberty. I am offended by mass media who promote hate in the name of love and intolerance in the name of tolerance.

I am offended by activists who cry “racism” as a cover for their intolerance. I am offended by leaders who cave in to activists and mobs rather than challenge them.

I am offended by scientists who use science as a cover for their atheism and materialism. I am offended by leaders who defer to scientists without question.

I am offended by religious leaders who deceive their followers as to their real intentions. I am offended by theologians who deny the faith they purport to represent.

I am offended by cults that masquerade as religions, threatening death to any who would leave their cult. I am offended by people who would kill people in the name of a religion and threaten any who criticize them.

I am offended by judges who unilaterally decide that marriage must be redefined beyond recognition. I am offended by politicians who undermine marriage and families.

I am offended by politicians who put their own interests above that of the electorate. I am offended by politicians who do not solve problems but make them worse.