Length and duration parallels

This post continues the parallelism between length and time, and includes some new terms.

Length and time both have base units in SI metric: the meter (or better: metre to distinguish it from a device) and the second. They can both be associated with direction. Length in a direction is from or toward an event place. Time in a direction is from or toward an event time.

Multiple dimensions of length are called space. However, space can mean merely the space between two points. To designate 3D space, let’s use the Latin spatium (space). Analogously, let’s use the term tempium to designate 3D time (cf. Latin tempus, time).

Events ordered by time are in time order. Events ordered by length are in length order. Events ordered by importance could be said to be in magna order.

Things are persistent events. Things have length. Things have three dimensions of length. Events have duration. Events have three dimensions of duration. The extent of space between things is called distance. The extent of tempium between events could be called temstance.

Relative space is divided into here and there; “here I am, there I was, there I will be.” The present tense of space is here. The past or future tense of space is there. Here I am. Some places were traversed in the past. Some places will be traversed in the future.

Relative tempium is divided into now and then; “now I am, then I was, then I will be.” The present tense of tempium is now. The past or future tense of tempium is then. Now I am. Some times were traversed in the past. Some times will be traversed in the future.

Matter is a length space substance. Figure is a duration space substance. Matter has mass, solidity. Figure has vass, lightness. Many sports move matter, such as a baseball pitcher throwing the ball. A figure skater traces out figures in length space and duration space.