More equations of motion

Expanding on a previous post here, this is a summary of the equations of motion for space-time and time-space. See also a pdf version in the Time-space Glossary option above.

s = displacement magnitude, t = time magnitude, v = velocity, v0 = initial velocity, a = acceleration, w = lenticity, w0 = initial lenticity, b = relentation, ω = angular velocity, ω0 = initial angular velocity, ψ = angular lenticity, ψ0 = initial angular lenticity, θ = spatial angle, ψ = temporal angle, S = circumference, T = period, Rs = spatial radius, and Rt = temporal radius.

Linear w/3D spaceLinear w/3D timeAngular w/3D spaceAngular w/3D time
Average Ratev =  Δstu = Δtsω = Δθtψ = Δϑs
Average 2nd Ratea = Δvtb = Δu/Δsα = Δωtβ = Δψs
Instantaneous RateVelocity
v = ds/dt
w = dt/ds
Angular velocity
ω = dθ/dt = dt/dϑ
Angular lenticity
ψ = dϑ/ds = ds/dθ
Instantaneous 2nd RateAcceleration
a = dv/dt
b = dw/ds
Tangential acceleration
α = dω/dt
Tangential relentation
β = dψ/ds
Centripetal/Radial 2nd RateCentripetal acceleration
acen = v2/Rs
Cenfugal relentation
bcen = 1/(w2Rs)
Radial acceleration
arad = Rs ω2
Radial relentation
brad = Rt ψ2
Uniform Tangential Ratevtan = 2πRs/Tutan = T/(2πRt)vtan = Rs ωtan = Rt ψ
Circumference/Arc LengthSpatial circumference
S = 2πRs
Temporal circumference
T = 2πRt
Spatial arc length
θ = s/Rs
Temporal arc length
ϑ = t/Rt
PeriodT = 2πRs/vT = 2πRtwT = 2π/ωT = 2π/ψ
RadiusSpatial radius
Rs = S/(2πv)
Temporal radius
Rt = T/(2πw)
Spatial radius
Rs = ds/dθ = s/θ = v/ω
Temporal radius
Rt = dt/dϑ = t/ϑ = ℓ/ψ
PositionstOn a circle: s = Rs θOn a cycle: t = Rt ϑ
Displacements = s0 + vtt = t0 + wsθ = θ0 + ωtϑ = ϑ0 + ψs
Second Equation of Motions = s0 + v0t + ½at²t = t0 + w0s + ½bs²θ = θ0 + ω0t + ½αt2ϑ = ϑ0 + ψ0t + ½βs2
First Equation of Motionv = v0 + atw = w0 + bsω = ω­ + αtψ = ψ0 + βs
Third Equation of Motion = v0² + 2a(s – s0)w² = w0² + 2b(t – t0)ω² = ω0² + 2α(θ – θ0)ψ² = ψ0² + 2β(ϑ – ϑ0)