Why time is three dimensional

The case for 3D time is very simple: space is based on the measurement of distance and time is based on the measurement of duration. As the distances between places cover three dimensions of space, so the durations between events cover three dimensions of time. As distance may be measured going from or toward a […]

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Time conventions

The natural concept of time is solar time, which is based on the Sun’s position in the sky. But local solar time or local mean time varies by longitude. With the spread of railroads in the 19th century, there was a need for time zones to standardize time and simplify east and west travel. The

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Dimensions of space and time

As I’ve shown, there are three dimensions of time as well as space. That makes six dimensions in all, which I’ve written about before, such as here. There may be reasons to use the full potential six dimensions but usually it is better to contract that to four or two dimensions. We need terms to

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Science and uniformity

Science studies uniformities. There is uniformity in the physical universe and science is the study of that. In addition to uniformity there is uniqueness in the universe. One can study that, and apply science to understand it better but science does not study uniqueness per se. Other disciplines deal with aspects of uniqueness – history,

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Temporo-spatial terminology

It has been thought best to introduce new terms for temporo-spatial physics since although in some respects the concepts are similar to standard terms of physics, in other respects they mean the opposite to those of space-time physics. Here is a compilation (updated 2021): lenticity (len·tic′·i·ty) is the rate of change of dischronment with respect

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Separation of society and state

On the face of it, the separation of society and state makes no sense. Society provides the framework for the state, whether a hierarchical society leading to a kingdom or an egalitarian society leading to a democracy. And there would be no state without a society, whether it is the people who assemble to establish

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