Space and time as opposites

A theme of this blog is that space and time (i.e., length space and duration space) are dual concepts, which means they are two ways of understanding the same thing. But in what ways are space and time opposite concepts?

Space is oriented toward its origin, the place that motion begins. Time is oriented toward its destination, the time that motion ends. Both length and duration are measured from an “origin,” a reference point, which is a zero point for each, but zero speed leaves a body at the spatial origin, whereas zero pace leaves the body at its temporal origin.

Speed has length in the denominator because it’s the change in location, or displacement, per unit of duration, whereas pace has duration in the denominator because it’s the change in chronation, or distimement, per unit of length. A body at zero speed will remain at its origin and never reach its destination, whereas a body at zero pace will arrive at its destination in literally no time. A body with a small speed will take a long time to reach its destination, whereas a body with a small pace will reach its destination quickly.

A high speed is fast, and a small speed is slow. A small pace is fast, and a large pace is slow. Large quantities of space correspond to small quantities of time. Large quantities of time correspond to small quantities of space. Mass and vass are inverses, as are energy and lethargy.

Time flows from the past toward the future. Distance flows from the future toward the past.