
Squares of opposition

The traditional Aristotelian square of opposition is like that of first-order logic apart from existential import: Or in words: Outer negation is the contradictory, i.e., affirm/deny, and inner negation is the contrary, i.e., all/none. For quantifiers (or other operators) there is a duality square: Outer negation is negation of the whole quantifier; inner negation is

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Converse physics

Velocity is defined as: where x is the displacement and t = ‖t‖ is the independent time interval, the distime of a parallel reference motion. The inverse of v is the function defined by the reciprocal of this derivative: The converse of v is w, the lenticity, which is defined as: where t is the

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Symmetry of length and duration

There is a symmetry principle for length and duration: Measures of length and duration are symmetric and the forms of equations remain the same if all measures of length are interchanged with their corresponding measures of duration and vice versa. The three-dimensionality of length is fully reflected in the three-dimensionality of duration. This is a

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Transformations with 3-dimensional time

Following the previous post here, we use Jacobian matrices to transform location and chronation vectors between inertial observers. As before, let matrices be written with upper case boldface. Let vectors be written in lowercase boldface and their scalar magnitude without it. Velocity = V, lenticity = W, displacement = x, distimement = z, independent distance = s, independent distime

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Definitions with 3-dimensional time

In order to combine the three dimensions of length space and three dimensions of duration space in definitions for motion in six dimensions (3+3), it is necessary to use Jacobian matrices. The 3+1 and 1+3 dimensional definitions are simplifications of these. Let matrices be written with upper case boldface. Let vectors be written in lowercase boldface

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General Galilean invariance

The following is generalized from the explanation of Galilean invariance here. Chorocosm (inertial frames) Among the axioms from Newton’s theory are: (1) There exists an original inertial frame in which Newton’s laws are true. An inertial frame is a reference frame in uniform motion relative to the original inertial frame. (2) All inertial frames share

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Worlds of motion

Kinecosm is the world of motion, which is the subject of kinematics. Since the extent of motion has two measures: length and duration, the kinecosm has two subworlds: Length space is the three-dimensional world of length, which is commonly called space. Duration space is the three-dimensional world of duration. Chorocosm is length space with time.

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Time transformation

The length part of the Galilean transformation is: with the relative velocity v. The time part of the Galilean transformation is: so that time is the same for all observers. Einstein made time relative and symmetric with length (at least in one dimension) by assuming an absolute speed of light, c. With β = v/c

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