Terminology discussion

In order to describe 3D time some new terms and new meanings for old terms have been introduced in this blog. The reasons for this are discussed in this post.

It would be possible to add a prefix to terms already in use but that over-emphasizes the similarities – or opposition if a negative prefix is used. In some cases, there are existing words that could be easily adopted. Most importantly, there is a need to emphasize that 3D time requires a different way of looking at the world than is commonly done.

  1. Existing Words

Many words are already used that require no changes: duration, instantaneous, and mathematical terms such as scalar and vector.

Words that are not well known:

The word pace in racing is not widely known but is used in exactly the way that is needed for 3D time. It is simply the inverse of speed, which provides a slight change of perspective that focuses on the time. Since time minimization is what racers do, it makes sense to have a term for the change in time per unit of length.

Words that are given a new meaning:

The word lenticity is from the Latin lentus (slow) plus the ending of velocity. As velocity is used as a term for the speed quantity in a particular direction, so lenticity was adopted as a term for the pace quantity in a particular direction.

The word accelerate can describe a motion that becomes faster, which is taken as covering a larger distance in the same unit of time. As there is the noun acceleration, so the corresponding noun in 3D time is relentation. The verb is relentate, with the negative derelentate.

The word force is a common word that has been adopted as a key term in physics and engineering. Its counterpart in 3D time should be a similar common word. I propose release (formerly, rush or surge), which suggests the opposite of force.

  1. New Words

Some words are time analogues for space terms:

Displacement is a term for a space vector, which can easily be changed to dischronment for a time vector. Similarly, distime is the time analogue for distance, as stance means a space position.

Some new words have been coined:

A word is needed for the inverse of mass. I suggest vass for two reasons: (1) the “v” from inverse replaces the “m” from mass to indicate the inverse of mass; and (2) as a mass of something is associated with a dense lump, so its opposite would be a vast, spread-out material: the word vass echoes this sense.

Other words are needed for inverse concepts, and I offer effort for the inverse of work and time energy for the inverse of space energy (times four).

It is usual to coin new words from Greek and Latin roots. That leads to tempicle (compare particle), punctum and levamentum (compare moment and momentum), facilia (compare inertia), levage (compare weight), and strophence (compare torque).

Tempicle uses the prefix for time. Facilia is from the Latin for easy. Levamentum is from the Latin for alleviate. Elaphra (or elaphros) is from the Greek for light (unheavy). Strophence is from the Greek for turn.

[Deleted: fulment, legerity and allegrity.]