The scalar space of a motion is the arc length along the curve it traces out. The scalar time of a motion is the travel time along the route it traces out.
The time rate is “The rate at which something takes place over time.” The space rate is the rate at which something takes time over a route.
A quantity at a timepoint of a timeline is instantaneous. A quantity at a point of a baseline is placepoint.
Speed is the time rate of motion, the scalar space per unit of scalar time. The speed at a timepoint of time is called the instantaneous speed, which equals the differential scalar space per differential scalar time or the magnitude of the instantaneous velocity.
Pace is the space rate of motion, the scalar time per unit of scalar space. The pace at a point of space is called the placepoint pace, which equals the differential scalar space per differential scalar time or the magnitude of the placepoint lenticity. A gradient is the space rate of change of a function or scalar field.
Displacement is the directed distance or vector difference between two points in three-dimensional space. Dischronment is the directed duration or vector difference between two instants in three-dimensional time.
Velocity is the time rate of change of dischronment, which consists of the speed and direction of motion. The average velocity is the displacement per scalar time of motion. The velocity at a timepoint is called the instantaneous velocity, and is the differential displacement per differential scalar time. The instantaneous velocity equals the time rate of change of the displacement.
Lenticity is the space rate of change of dischronment, which consists of the pace and direction of motion. Lenticity is the rate of progress on a trajectory or path. The average lenticity is the dischronment per scalar space of motion. The lenticity at a point of space is called the placepoint lenticity, and is the differential dischronment per differential scalar space. Cf. velocity.
Acceleration is the time rate of change of velocity with respect to time. Relentation is the space rate of change of lenticity with respect to distance.
The first moment of mass is mass times distance. The momentum is the time rate of change of the first moment of mass. The first moment of vass is vass times duration. The space rate of change of the first moment of vass is the levamentum, from Latin for alleviate.
Power is the time rate of change of energy. Force is the space rate of change of energy.