Circular/harmonic motion

The outline below is also in pdf form here.

Angular velocity and angular lenticity

  • Velocity, v = Δst, lenticity, u = Δts so u = 1/v and v = 1/u except if u or v are zero
    • Zero velocity: no motion but time changes because time is independent
    • Zero lenticity: no motion but length changes because length is independent

Circular motion in multidimensional space and time

stance, s; time, t; radius r; period radius q; circumference S = 2πr = wavelength λ; period T = 2πq = wave duration μ; angular velocity, v; angular lenticity, u; arc length, s; arc time, t

  • Circle in length space
    • length angle θ, arc length s, radius r
    • spatial angle: θs/r; r = s/θ; s = rθ; 1/θ = r/s; 1/r = θ/s
    • angular time rate: ωθ/t; t = θ/ω; θ = ωt; 1/ω = t/θ; 1/t = ω/θ
  • Circle in duration space
    • duration angle φ, arc time t, period radius q
    • temporal angle, φt/q; q = t/φ; t = ; 1/φ = q/t; 1/q = φ/t
    • angular stance rate: ψφ/s; s = φ/ψ; φ = ψs; 1/ψ = s/φ; 1/s = ψ/φ

Angular time rates

  • Independent variable is time, dependent variable is length
  • Angular velocity: time rate of rotation, ωθ/t t = θ/ω; θ = ωt
  • Wave (phase) velocity: wavelength per unit time, v = s/t = S/T = r/q = ωr
    • frequency, f ≡ 1/T = v/S = v/λ = v/s = vh = h/u
    • wavelength, λ = v/f = S
    • wave (length) number, k = 2π/λ
  • Wave velocity normalized
    • revolutions: If S = 1, then v = 1/T = f
    • space radians: If r = 1, then s = θ = φ and v = θ/t = φ/t = s/t = ω = 1/q = 2π/T = 2πf
      • ω = 2πf = 2π/T = θ/t = φ/t; q = T/2π; f = ω/2π

Angular stance rates

  • Independent variable is stance, dependent variable is time
  • Angular lenticity: space rate of rotation, ψφ/s; s = φ/ψ; φ = ψs
  • Wave (phase) lenticity: wave duration per unit length, u = t/s = T/S = q/r = ψq
    • periodicity, h ≡ 1/S = u/T = u/μ = s/v = uf = f/v
    • wave duration, μ = u/h = T
    • wave duration number, = 2π/μ
  • Wave lenticity normalized
    • revolutions: If T = 1, then u = 1/S = h
    • time radians: If q = 1, then t = φ = θ and u = φ/s = θ/s = t/s = ψ = 1/r = 2π/S = 2πh
      • ψ = 2πh = 2π/S = θ/s = φ/s; r = S/2π; h = ψ/2π

Wave function for sinusoidal wave

length amplitude, A; duration amplitude, B; length phase, ϕ; duration phase, χ; stance, s; time, t; circumference S = wavelength λ; period T = wave duration μ; (length) wave number, k; duration wave number, ; angular (phase) velocity, v; angular (phase) lenticity, u

length space with time:

x = A cos(ωt + ϕ)           a = −ω²x           in SHM

y(x = 0,  t) = A cos(ωt) = A cos(2πft)

y(x, t) = A cos[ω(tx/v)] = A cos[2πf (x/vt)] = sinusoidal wave moving in the +x-direction

y(x, t) = A cos[2π (x/λt/T)] = A cos(kxωt)

∂²y(x, t)/∂x² = (1/v²) ∂²y(x, t)/∂t²              (length) wave equation

duration space with stance:

ξ = B cos(ψs + χ)           b = −ψ²ξ           in SHM

η(ξ = 0,  s) = B cos(ψs) = B cos(2πhs)

η(ξ, s) = B cos[ψ(sξ/u)] = B cos[2πh (ξ/us)] = sinusoidal wave moving in the + ξ-direction

η(ξ, s) = B cos[2π (ξ/μs/S)] = B cos(ℓξψs)

∂²η(ξ, s)/∂ξ² = (1/u²) ∂²η(ξ, s)/∂s²             duration wave equation