Creationists are allowing their opponents to frame issues backwards, which puts us on the defensive. The real question they’re trying to answer is, How can modern science fit with the Bible without distorting it? Their opponents keep asking the reverse: How can the Bible fit with modern science? That puts the pressure on the defenders of the Bible.
For example, the starlight and time issue should not be a question of “how can the Bible fit with modern astronomy?” It should be, “how can modern astronomy fit with the Bible without distorting it?” The pressure should be on astronomers to figure it out. It is not “our” problem but “their” problem (recognizing that some creationists are also astronomers).
This arises because modern science works independently of the Bible — or any other discipline except for mathematics. The independence of science is carefully and strongly guarded by science communities. And no feedback loop from outside of science is accepted.
Oppose the independence of science? Now that’s controversial.
November 2014